Father John Catoir, JCD – 9/21/17

Congratulations to Editor, Richard Sokerka, and his great staff for the splendid 80th Anniversary Issue of The Beacon, the newspaper of the Diocese of Paterson. It made me think of the hidden hand of God behind all those statistics and events.

Our Diocese has grown in wisdom, age and grace since its inception in 1937. It would take volumes to tell the whole story, but even then, the mystery God’s role in all of it, would be hidden from or eyes. God bless you all for your cooperation in God’s plan of salvation.

What we see before us is a community of faith that has grown in bits and pieces by God’s grace, with the help of thousands of men and women. Behind all the events of our history, the Lord was always there supplying us with His strength and His joy.

We only scratch the surface when we read about the many parish openings, school graduations, Mass celebrations, episcopal visitations, first communions, weddings, ordinations and the like. We want to give God the glory for all that He has done for us over the years.

Faith is the knowledge that comes to us from Divine Revelation. There is One Faith, One People, and One Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe in the invisible interaction that has taken place between God and His faithful people over these 80 years, because the Church believes in the perfectibility of man.

We aspire to holiness. The transformation of a human soul from mediocrity to sainthood is a pure mystery. The Lord infuses us with His grace through the sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Penance, the Sacrament of the Sick, and Ordination. Each sacrament is an outward sign instituted by God to give grace.

One of the great accomplishments of the Church, under God’s guidance, has been the creation of our Catholic school system. Parents believe that it is necessary to give children a solid spiritual foundation from the first grade to college. We want to prepare them with the fortitude that comes from a strong faith.

There is a drug sub-culture out there that is seducing kids and young adults by the millions. They need all the spiritual help they can get. The hidden hand of God has inspired the sisters, priests, brothers, and lay teachers to serve our children. These men and woman have answered an inner calling from God.

The sisters and teachers instruct the children with skill and devotion. The priests provide services ranging from administration, to offering Masses, to teaching and counseling. Our good lay teachers have made financial sacrifices to use their talents serving our Catholic School children. All this is being done for the glory to God.

Every parish strives to offer their parishioners a welcoming environment, a place to experience Christ, not only in one another, but in the Eucharist. Jesus is truly present in every Tabernacle from Sussex to Morristown to Passaic, and throughout the world.

Over the years, our bishops have been strengthened by God’s grace to establish, organize and manage a network of 111 parishes. Together we have grown into a community of love. Under God’s protection and guidance, we have prospered thanks be to God.

Happy Anniversary, and may the Lord continue to be your strength and your joy.

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