Around the Diocese Billings St Thomas Grads 4
Each year, the parish family at St. Thomas the Apostle celebrates and prays for graduating seniors who are about to take a big step forward in life’s journey. We make a strong connection with our graduating seniors in the parish who attend Billings’ 4 high schools of Senior, Skyview, West, and Central, by placing the graduates’ photos out during the week and weekend liturgies for the parish family to see their faces and offer prayers of intercession. We pray with our seniors at a graduates Mass in May, this year on Sunday May 21, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. (see photo), who join the liturgical ministers and Father Steve Zabrocki before Mass. We involve our seniors who proclaim the Word of God, bring forward the offertory gifts, and sing/play instruments in praise of God. We bless them as a whole community, hoping they will journey always with God and will turn to the Church in the days and years ahead. We also nourish our seniors with a meal, this year a full taco bar serving over 100 in the new parish community center, so that they will always remember that St. Thomas is their home no matter where life’s journeys take them. God bless you, graduating seniors; may you carry the Gospel with you and find Jesus Christ in the places to which you are being sent.
Submitted by Nick Coffman

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