By Father John Catoir JCD

​In today’s political climate, there are a lot of people on both sides of the aisle, who have become emotionally upset by the 2016 elections. I won’t go into the politics of it, but I thought it might be helpful to discuss the flood of toxic emotions that many are experiencing.​

​We know that sadness, fear and anger will gradually sap our energy, and lead to exhaustion. So, let’s concentrate on the thoughts that lead to feelings of happiness and joy.

​We’re all trying to improve our mental health. To succeed we need to rid ourselves of toxic thinking. Our emotions all flow from the thoughts we allow ourselves to think. We are seeking peace of soul.

​Happiness is the by-product of a meaningful life. The senses play a part in this. We are delighted by a delicious meal; we take comfort wearing warm clothes on a chilly day. The smell of fresh sea-side air lifts our mood.

​Joy, on the other hand, emerges from deep within the soul. Joy is the state of peace that come from being in harmony with God’s will. The sight of a majestic sunset makes us grateful to God for the gift of beauty. The birth of a baby brings us to our knees with tears of gratitude.

​St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee O Lord.” This rest may seem like a distant goal, but the truth is you can find it in The Lord anytime you choose. You can take a moment to ask Him for the spiritual rest you need.

​The first step is to stop your frantic thinking. Listen to your breathing. Reflect on God’s love within you. The joy that will follow is the simplest form of gratitude.

​Escaping from the toxic thinking that weighs you down, is the first step to attaining happiness and joy. It’s a matter of being in touch with God’s joy. Prayer will open your receptivity to the gift of Divine Joy.

​You may not be a saint, but there’s no need to be discouraged. Even if you’re not perfect, you ARE loved by God, and therefore a saint-in-training.

​The virtue of hope comes into play. If you hope for better days, you will not be disappointed. The Lord says, “In this world you will have troubles,” but “take heart- be of good cheer- for I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33).

​Knowing that better days are coming, will enable you to turn away from the rat race, and focus more on joy. Joy transcends the noise of the world. The state of spiritual gladness will soon purify your former mental swamp, and you will feel God’s peace.

​It will take an act of the will to stop sabotaging your mind with toxic thoughts, but your chances of attaining greater peace and joy will increase rapidly as soon as you make the decision live joyfully.

​The Lord is always there to keep you afloat. By controlling your negative thinking, you will be able to feel God’s joy pulsing though your soul.

​Supernatural joy is the most wonderful gift you will ever receive, and it’s yours for the asking.

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