The 9th Annual Billings 40 Days for Life campaign is fast approaching. Help us witness to the sanctity of every human life by scheduling an hour per week (when possible) during this time to be a peaceful, prayerful presence in front of the abortion facility in Billings (100 West Wicks Lane), the facility that draws girls and young women from all over eastern Montana as well as Wyoming and the Dakotas. We need at least two people praying at all times from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in front of the abortuary during the 40 days of the campaign.

40 Days for Life is not a protest; rather, it is a public prayer vigil, coupled with private fasting. We pray and sacrifice for the frightened young women who find themselves unintentionally pregnant, and for their partners, their babies, and all who are affected by abortion.

Some of the days (or parts of days) are covered by particular churches or groups, but help is needed especially on Sundays & Mondays. Of course, additional pray-ers are always welcome anytime, even on days covered by groups. And EVERYONE can fast and pray on their own for this effort, even if they are unable to get out to the prayer vigil site.

For more information or to sign up for a prayer shift in front of the abortion facility, contact Amy Seymour (855-3737 or 962-3260) or Alvina Buck (860-5553 or 259-3168).

Remember Christ’s words, “Whatsoever you do for the least of these little ones, you do for Me.” Do something beautiful for Jesus by standing and praying for “the least of His little ones”!

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